Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

You Should Get a Memory Foam Mattress

You should get a memory foam mattress in your home. This is because it softens at body temperature and cradles to your body making sure you sleep soundly.

The material that makes up the memory foam mattress is viscofoam. In fact, there are two types. One reacts to the body temperature while the other reacts to the temperature in the room. If the memory foam is not able to achieve either, then it is a fake.

The reason why it is called memory foam is because the more your body comes into contact with the mattress the better it will be able to distribute your body weight. This greatly reduced pressure points regardless of your body shape and weight.

As a result, you get good support and enables natural movement during sleep. You are also able to maintain proper posture regardless of your sleeping position if you happen to doze off on your back or on your side.

Best of all, the memory foam mattress has anti-microbial properties which means that you will never have to deal with dust mites that are often found in the conventional mattress.

The ideal memory foam mattress to get should be at lest 3 inches of medium to high density as this provides anyone the proper amount of material to cushion and conform to your body. This will also prevent you from sinking into the bed or lose the support of the bed base.

Another thing to pay attention to is the foam’s density. You should get one that is 3 to 4 pounds in density because these are softer, better temperature sensitivity ranges and good pressure relieving properties.

When looking for them you should also be careful as there are some who will sell this to you made from poor quality material. You won’t know this at first glance but they tend to wear out much faster than those being sold by good quality manufacturers.

To avoid becoming a victim, you should ask the seller if the memory foam mattress comes with a guarantee. If they don’t, forget about getting it from them and buy this from someone else who does.

It will also be a good idea to only buy from the big name brands in the business because they won’t try to screw you when doing so will just get them into trouble.

The memory foam mattress will last for 10 years or more depending on how well you take care of it. If it is not able to conform to your body shape anymore, you will know that this is the time you should replace it with a new one.

Should you get a memory foam mattress? By all means yes because this the only one available in the market that can make you sleep better at night. If you like it so much, you can also buy a few other things to help you relax such as a cushion for your chair as well as lumbar support that can be used in the office or at home which uses the same material as the memory foam mattress.

For those who can’t afford to buy the mattress, try settling for a topper instead. Its smaller and thinner which can be applied over your existing bed.

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

What Is a Memory Foam Mattress

What is a memory foam mattress? It is a whole bed made from memory foam that has the ability to sense your body’s weight and temperature so it is able to conform to your shape, minimize pressure points, aid alignment and reduce tossing and turning.

This was first developed by NASA or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the 1970’s. But the first generation memory foam mattress was too brittle and had the tendency to break after just one to two years of use.

Ten years later, a Swedish company that worked closely with NASA in making the first memory foam mattress got it right. This was made using a spongy, gel like plastic whose composite open cells could deform under pressure and reshape back to its original form.

Just to prove how effective it is, one brand called Tempur-Pedic sells these to hospitals. Patients who have used the memory foam mattress claim that this has reduced remarkably the pressure on joints whenever they lie down. It also gives good support for the back.

Memory foam mattresses were first introduced in the market in the early 1990’s. The problem then was that these were very expensive. But this soon changed as other companies were able to produce similar products.

But the story of the memory foam mattress doesn’t end there. If it is good for the back, then it could also have benefits in other places in the body which is why the foam is also used on other products such as mattress toppers, pillows, office furniture, automobile seat padding, infant cribs, car seats, wheelchair cushions, hip pads, sweat pads, computer cases, movie theater seating, pistol gloves, ear plugs and tennis racquets.

The price of memory foam mattress is from $300 to $600. This depends on the density that you wish to buy. The thicker they are, the more expensive  it is. Most people get those that weigh 3 to 5.5 pounds since this is what fits their budget.

Some of these are sold in stores while you can also find these online. These come in different sizes so you can surely get one for every bedroom in the house and if you find these expensive, perhaps you should consider getting a topper.

A topper is much smaller than the foam mattress given that you put this simply over an existing mattress. Its thickness is 1 to 4 inches thick. If you plan to put this over a spring mattress, make sure that this is not more than 5 years old.

Memory foam mattresses are not affected by the temperature outdoors. If this happened, it will not be able to do its job which is to adjust to the shape of the person.

You might be thinking that all the companies that make memory foam mattresses use the same materials to make their product. This is not true because some use liquid foam while others use a vacuum injection which means they do not rely on gravity to provide consistent density and eliminate variation. So when you are looking for a memory foam mattress, ask the sales person what material is used.

A lot of people say that the memory foam mattress is out of this world given that this was first designed for use by astronauts. Given that it is used in almost every type of furniture these days, you can now say that it has taken the world by storm.